Friday, October 31, 2008


i have a headache today. i think it is because, for the first time during my little vacation, i stayed up way too late.

i watched a movie on netflix online about a guy who has a stroke and has that locked-in syndrome. he apparently blinked out a book to someone and this movie was based on that. it was pretty good. sad, a little freaky. made me realize that it would SUCK to have locked-in syndrome.

anyway, kitty bopper kept trying to wake me up but i stood strong and slept until around 11:30. i thought maybe some coffee would help my throbbing head but the coffee maker was all smelly and moldy. i tried to clean it out but then the coffee i made tasted like soapy mold. i still drank a little before dumping it but i will probably puke later from it.

it is an absolutely gorgeous day today. it's the worst possible day to oversleep. but i will try to enjoy the rest of it as best i can. i am going to hit some tennis with laurent and then maybe take a jog. then it's off to mattapoisett for the weekend.

one more thing. i got this awesome thing for kitty. it's a little water cooler with a bowl attached. i wish it plugged in and kept the water cool. she prefers cool water. that's why she likes to drink from the toilet.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


i am in the beginning of a 2+ month hiatus from structured life. in the coming months my job is to take step 2 of the boards, interview for residencies and discover the meaning of life. before i say anything else, i'd like to share a funny thing called the nietzsche family circus:

i looked at that last post from when i was on surgery. oh dear. i guess surgery was pretty tiring but, looking back on it in its entirety, it doesn't seem like it was so bad.

i have decided to go into family medicine and do primary care. this is my final answer and i am happy about it. now i have to figure out which program i want to go to.

ok. i am going to start facing this day. i think i will exercise while listening to spanish learning cds. maybe read harry potter. renew my gym membership. time off eventually makes me crazy so i'd better enjoy it while i am still sane.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


it is 9:56 pm and way past my bedtime these days. felt the urge to post something to verify my existence. i am hanging on precariously here in week 7 of surgery. no sleep on call destroys me. i am doing trauma now which is a good change of pace. still the hours are too much, i feel stupid often, etc. i also just had a nasty stomach bug feature fever, chills and the works. hard to be sick while being this busy.

i can see the light at the end of one of many long tunnels i am going to pass through in my medical training. specialty of the night has returned to emergency medicine. it will be back to primary care tomorrow, then cardiology and then psych and then back to er.

i have nothing funny to say tonight. tomorrow i turn 30. i have wasted a good portion of my life i think. hopefully i won't waste the next 30 years.
